Weeding a field, driveway or stairs can be time consuming, laborious and uncomfortable. We are telling you how to make it easy.

Not all thermal weeding machines are suitable for treating hard-to-reach areas. Some machines treat large areas but are equipped with small wheels, some are too low and therefore not suitable for hard-to-reach areas. It is sometimes difficult to find a solution that combines a large simultaneous treatment surface with easy loading in steep areas.

This is why the Mobility kit was invented, to be able to treat hard-to-reach areas with now a 2 meters treatment width. So it is now possible to remove weeds from these areas in a quick and easy way.

Pack easy

But that’s not all! The Easy+ kit also benefits from this increased working width thanks to its lance harness. Indeed, the treatment of areas to be weeded can be long and uncomfortable over time due to the load of the equipment. With the Easy+ kit, the load of the equipment is lightened by means of the harness, making weeding more comfortable and now also faster thanks to the increased working width.

Pack easy +

In short, the increase in working width to 2 metres makes thermal weeding faster, more comfortable and therefore easier!

If you would like to learn more about our Mobility and Easy+ kits, please contact us via the contact form or by e-mail at:

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